
Cards at elevation

Cards as tiles

Cards with varying tags

Cards with layouts

Whole width layout
Major layout
Minor layout
Minor layout
Major layout
Layout one
Layout two

Cards with action areas

Cards with content

With title

Card title text

Subtitle text

With text

This is a section of 'supplementary text'. It is located within a card. You can put as much text in here as you like.

With title and text

Card title text

Subtitle text

This is a section of 'supplementary text'. It is located within a card. You can put as much text in here as you like.

With media

With status indicator


This is a section of 'supplementary text'. It is located within a card. You can put as much text in here as you like.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Architecto, nihil, veniam. Voluptates eius sequi rem quo, aperiam.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Nemo ducimus mollitia, eligendi soluta.

With complex layout

With pre-built layout

Example state

Example title

Example subtitle

This here is some content right here.

I can put anything I like in here. Perhaps a list?

  1. Item One
  2. Item Two
  3. Item Three